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A mattress with an unmade bed in the middle.

Thorough Carpet Cleaning Services

At Carpet Rescue, we utilize a state-of-the-art steam extraction method to clean your home’s carpeting. We will apply a pre-conditioner compound to break up stubborn stains, then extract the dirt with a hot water truck mounted extraction unit. When we’re through cleaning your carpet, we follow it up with a carpet groomer to help restore the appearance of your carpet.

We all love our pets, but the lingering smells they leave in your carpets can be quite bothersome at times. Our carpet-cleaning experts will apply a special solution to your carpeting to neutralize pet odors and kill the germs and bacteria that are responsible for producing these odors. In most cases, our pet odor removal systems will keep your carpets smelling clean and fresh for up to 6 months.


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Call Us now 407-699-4191
Serving these areas: Orange, Seminole,
Lake and West Voulisa Counties

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